Essential Latin Vol.2 (2 Titles in 1) (DVD)

Artikelnummer: HS049DVD
£59.50 inclusive Steuer
Karttunen. A breakdown of the dance with the champions, showing how to create and develop the shape and character of the Paso Doble by developing the story of the Bullfight. The first 79 bars of music (up to the second musical highlight) are choreographed to each music phrase of spanish Gypsy Dance (Espana Cani)
JIVE - PACE & POWER - Matthew & Nicole Cutler
View and learn how to use the fundamental figures of the Jive to develop your own dancing to a championship level. Each figure is shown and then developed to include the rhythm and shape possible in competitive dancing today. A number of the figures are then danced in 10 up-to-date competitive groups to enable the dancers to perform a Jive of Pace & Power.